Fascinate is a short-rotation Italian ryegrass that is known for its prolific early growth following sowing. It is known for its rapid establishment, high productivity, and palatability to livestock. It is a high-sugar tetraploid, with a higher nutritional value that increases milk protein and produces high-quality bulk feed. Fascinate is generally used as a short-term or short-rotation feed, providing quick forage production and flexibility in grazing or silage systems. It has a relatively short growth cycle, able to reach maturity 70-90 days after sowing. This quick growth makes it suitable for short rotations or as a temporary feed crop during periods of high demand. It can produce up to 27+ tonnes of DM per hectare with ME levels of 12.5 in ideal conditions. Fascinate will grow well in all soil types, although top production requires fertile soil conditions. The forage contains very low nitrate levels and reduces scouring in livestock.
Italian Ryegrasses
These cultivars are characterised by their fast establishment and ability to produce high DM yields over winter and early spring. Under good conditions, they establish quickly and are typically ready for grazing about 4 – 6 weeks following sowing. Annual species are less persistent and are normally autumn sown as a 6 – 8 month winter/spring feed. In areas where summers are mild with adequate moisture levels and low pest pressures, they can persist for 1 – 2 years. Typically, Italian ryegrasses last 12 – 18 months in drier areas, and 3 years or more in milder summer conditions. Italian ryegrasses keep growing into summer. Over a 12-month period, they produce 15 t DM/ha. Yields will vary widely depending on conditions and if irrigated, or yields can vary between 20t DM/ha under optimal conditions to as low as 10 t DM/ha. We have a selection of short and long-rotation Italian ryegrass cultivars, including high-sugar performers that are suitable to plant between-season cereal crops or as a bulk feed crop.